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Resource to Research Who Pays to Play.

ChatGPT 4o Message:  What are good sources for a lay person to understand the “pay-to-play” process,  particularly in North Carolina, and “follow the money,” including “dark money,” donated  to politicians, including leadership groups, for campaigns, legislation or bills, and policy  making by individuals, nonprofits, businesses, industries, Political Action Committees,  etc.? 

Identify specific sources, such as Websites, databases, reports, disclosure  documents, and books.  

How can a lay person determine donation sources for Political Action Committees?  

Corporate donations to individual candidates? 

Hired lobbyists? 

Lobbying registration  forms?  

ChatGPT 4

o Response:  To understand the "pay-to-play" process and track the flow of money in politics,  especially in North Carolina, it's essential to utilize various resources, including  websites, databases, reports, and books. 

Here are some specific sources and tools:  

Websites and Databases  

1. Federal Election Commission (FEC)  o Website:  

o Purpose: Provides data on federal campaign contributions and  expenditures, including individual contributions and PAC activities. 

2. North Carolina State Board of Elections  

o Website:  

o Purpose: Offers information on state-level campaign finance, including  donations to candidates, PACs, and other political committees in North  Carolina.  

3. OpenSecrets  

o Website:  

o Purpose: Tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and  public policy, including data on donations, lobbying, and "dark money."    

4. FollowTheMoney  

o Website:  

o Purpose: Provides detailed information on campaign finance at the state  level, including contributions from individuals, corporations, and PACs.  

5. ProPublica  

o Website:  

o Purpose: Offers investigative journalism on political contributions,  lobbying, and the influence of money in politics.  

6. National Institute on Money in Politics  

o Website:  

o Purpose: Offers profiles on donors, PACs, and lobbying efforts, along with  data on contributions and expenditures.  

Reports and Disclosure Documents  

1. Campaign Finance Reports  

o Filed with: Federal Election Commission, State Board of Elections

o Content: Detailed records of contributions and expenditures by candidates  and political committees.  

2. Lobbying Disclosure Reports  

o Filed with: U.S. Congress (for federal lobbying), State governments (for  state lobbying)  

o Content: Information on lobbying activities, including clients, issues  lobbied, and expenses.    

3. IRS Form 990  

o Filed with: Internal Revenue Service (IRS)  

o Content: Annual financial reports from nonprofits, including political  advocacy groups, detailing revenues and expenditures.  


1. "Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the  Radical Right" by Jane Mayer  

o Focus: Explores the influence of wealthy donors and their impact on  American politics.  

2. "The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America" by  Thom Hartmann  

o Focus: Discusses the role of the Supreme Court in shaping campaign  finance laws and the influence of money in politics.  

3. "Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress—and a Plan to Stop It" by  Lawrence Lessig  

o Focus: Examines the impact of money on the legislative process and  offers proposals for reform.  

How to Determine Donation Sources and Lobbying Activities  

1. Federal Election Commission (FEC) Database  

o Use to search for individual contributions to PACs and candidates.  

2. North Carolina State Board of Elections Database  

o Use to track state-level contributions and expenditures.  

3. OpenSecrets  

o Use for detailed analysis of corporate donations, PACs, and "dark money."  

4. Lobbying Disclosure Act Database  

o Use to find information on registered lobbyists and their activities.  

5. North Carolina Lobbying Compliance Division  

o Website: NC Ethics Commission  

o Purpose: Provides access to lobbying registration forms and expenditure  reports for lobbyists working in North Carolina.  By utilizing these resources, a layperson can gain a comprehensive understanding of  the "pay-to-play" process and effectively follow the money in politics, including  identifying donation sources and lobbying activities.  

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