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Dedicated to changing the HOA laws in all the states to protect and benefit the homeowners.



  • This is our library website. It has links to documents and all the committees and communities.

  • You MUST have Facebook and Messenger open in order to access all the committees and communities.

  • Click on the menu at the top of the screen to jump to the section of the Directory you want to read, OR;

  • Search down the Directory Map and click on the items to bring up the information or site that you want, OR;

  • Hit ctrl F to open a search. The search screen will appear on the bottom left side of the screen.

  • Need help, Messenger Patrick Johansen or


HRLNG Facebook is the main NATIONAL site,

where the work happens, committees and strategy, and where to start.

Click here to go there and join the conversations.



Basic Training
Additional Training
HRLNG Action Committees


HRLNG Produced Media, HRLNG in the News and Other Tools
Supporting Documents

HOA Horror Stories


Sample Good Bills and Laws from all States

Books on HOAs


Anti CAI information



Petitions and Surveys we would like you to sign and/or fill out.


Survey and Petition Organizations
Survey Results


Sample Letters


How to Fight Back Against your Board

Possible Legal Defense Ideas and Help.




Attorney Services
  • Recommended Attorneys

  • Places to search for attorneys

  • Legal Insurance and find attorney

    • approx $60 for unlimited questions in one month.

    • (515) 246-1200   Receive legal consultation and representation to deal with HOA or home contractor disputes and debt collection.

    • Legal Zoom  $30 per month

    • Met Life   $30 per month  Best option ??? May pay for all defense attorney fees in your state

    • Legal Shield $30 per month

    • Homeowner Policy Umbrella may cover you for lawsuits, may pay for all attorney fees in your state, about $30 per year.​


Related National Sites​



HRLNG State Sites

Other Countries

Sample Letters
Petitions and Surveys
Fight Back
Supporting Documents
Additional Training
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